Thursday, February 22, 2018

More Windsor @ Weill Information


1.   Teachers will be asking for parent chaperones.   Chaperones are to stay with their student group the entire time including releasing students to parents at the end of the concert.  Chaperones, please monitor your group and kindly but firmly ensure professional behavior. 

2.    Student performers and chaperones do not need a ticket.  Call time is 6:00pm.

3.    Please park in the main lot.  Parking is free for this event.  Student performers (in concert attire) and chaperones are to enter via the GMC Artist’s Entry.  ONLY student performers and chaperones may enter via the Artist’s Entry.  EVERYONE else is to have a ticket and enter GMC through the main doors.

4.    Have dinner before you get to GMC.  There is no food/concessions available this evening.

5.    Bring only what you need for your performance (instrument, music).   Bring as few personal items as possible   (Let your parent keep items or leave them in the car.).  Whatever you bring is at your own risk.  Definitely no back packs.

6.    No gum, food or water.  There are drinking fountains backstage.

7.    Do not touch photos on walls.  Treat the GMC building and furnishings with respect. 

8.    Walk.  Talk quietly in warm-up room.  BE SILENT IN STAGING AREAS.

9.   From Artist’s Entry, you will go to a warm-up room.  Stay in your warm-up room until directed. 

10.    At 6:50, High School students will be led by a docent to the Choral Circle where they will sit and watch the 1st half of the performance.  Middle School students will stay in warm-up rooms until led to staging area to enter stage and perform.

11.  There will be an intermission so that High School groups and Middle School groups can change place.  You are the performers and you must stay with your group backstage.  Middle School groups will be led to Choral Circle for 2nd half.  High School groups will be in warm-up rooms or on stage.  EVERYONE IS EXPECTED TO STAY FOR THE ENTIRE CONCERT.

12.   At the end of the concert, all student performers and chaperones will flow back through their warm-up room to pick up instruments, music and any personal items.  Chaperones will ensure that every student in their group is released to their parent.  Middle School groups will be released via the hallway door nearest to the GMC main doors.  High School groups will be released via the hallway door closest to the box office.

THANK YOU ALL for being good guests while we enjoy this world-class venue.

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