Windsor Unified
School District
K -12 Music
Philosophy -- All students in Grades K –
12 should have a comprehensive education in music based on the California State
Standards: (
. ) At all levels, music classes
should be delivered by certificated and highly qualified music education
professionals. The Windsor
Unified School District should commit to providing a more equitable ratio of
music teachers per capita of district enrollment. The current music teacher to student ratio in the WUSD is
approximately 1892:1.
(District enrollment divided by the number of music positions.) The Windsor Unified School District and
each of its school sites should commit a portion of the budget to music
education beyond the costs incurred by hiring teachers. The music teachers of the district
should be allowed to concentrate on teaching music, not fundraising to run the
program. The district should
provide funding for materials, music, supplies, instruments, instrument repairs
and appropriate facilities for music ensembles and general music classes. Windsor Middle School and Windsor High
School should have a Fine Arts requirement for promotion/graduation.
2. Rationale
– Music is integral to the overall success of our students and to their
development as complete and well educated individuals.
· optimizes brain development
· improves math performance
· improves reading performance
· enhances multiple intelligences
· improves attendance and graduation rates
· improves scores on SATs and Standardized
· builds social and emotional skills
develops impulse control and motor development
enhances language acquisition
3. Mission
Statement and Goals
Windsor Unified School District should have the following goals for music:
grades 100% student participation in a Standards based music program.
grade – 100% participation via performing ensembles or general music.
grades At least 40%
participation in performing ensembles.
A further participation
by middle school student in other music electives offered
as part of “Rotation”.
grades At least 20% participation in performing ensembles. Further participation
by high school students in other music electives.
4. Elementary
– All students should receive music instruction based on the California State
Standards from a credentialed music specialist at least once per week. Instruction
should include:
Singing in tune
Developing musical memory by repeating melodic
and rhythmic patterns
Developing a sense of beat
Reading and writing simple rhythmic patterns
Learning a wide variety of music from different
cultures and genres and folk songs
Simple music reading using solfege.
5. Middle
School Curriculum
–100% of 6th
grade students should have some music class either through
one of the performing ensembles or a general music rotation. Music classes
should be taught by music specialists in their area of expertise. Have yearly
outreach concerts from WHS and WMS to elementary
and middle school. District to provide support including
buses, and substitute teachers.
following courses should be offered at the Middle School level:
Beginning Band
Beginning Strings
Beginning Chorus
Advanced Band
Advanced Strings
Advanced Chorus
General Music Education Class including Music In
Education Keyboard Lab, Guitar, Music Appreciation, Recorder.
should be encouraged to be in music in middle school. There should
be a Music Requirement (Fine Arts) for promotion from Windsor Middle
6. High
School Curriculum
– All students should fulfill a Fine Arts Requirement to graduate from High
School based on the California Visual and Performing Arts Standards. Music
classes should be taught by music specialists in their area of expertise. Have
yearly outreach concerts from WHS to elementary and middle school. District
to provide support including buses, and substitute teachers.
following classes should be offered at the High School level:
Concert Band
Symphonic Band
Wind Ensemble
Jazz Band
Beginning Chorus
Advanced Chorus
Chamber Singers
String Orchestra
Full Orchestra
Digital Music in a fully equipped Electronic
Music Lab.
AP Music Theory
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